ornament1 We are a world-wide fellowship of ministries united in our service to Christ, whether through local churches, online ministries, or business ventures. Our desire is to see the lost saved, for the saints become who God intended, and for Christ to be glorified as Lord of all. We began in 1999 when the Lord gave Brother Sam a burning desire to see ministries united in the establishment of kingdom culture so that God’s people can both identify and pursue their God-given purpose.
A pivotal moment was when Sam gave his Bible to a newly converted saint, and had to purchase a new one. When he opened the new Bible to where the ribbon had been set at the printer, the very first scripture was Ezekiel 44:23, which became the mandate for everything The Restoration Group has done since.
And they shall teach my people the difference between the Holy and the Profane, and cause them to discern between the unclean and the clean.
We serve as the spiritual covering for a wide variety of ministers and ministries, providing accountability, counsel and support in the unity of the Faith.